2023 Broombuster Events in the Cowichan Valley:


Maple Bay, Chemainus, Southend, Lake Cowichan, and more.

More volunteers needed!  .

Cut Dates for 2023

Chemainus – A small group is cutting regularly around Chemainus.  Contact Brian and Sherry to find out where, and how you can join them.  tompkinslinton@shaw.ca

Stony Hill – Contact Wendy MacPherson

Do you want to cut where you live?  – Contact Joanne.  info@broombusters.org



General Information
Director Broombusters: Joanne Sales


Maple Bay and Stoney Hill:
Wendy Macpherson

Chemainus & Fuller Lake Arena:
Brian Linton & Sherry Tomkins


South End & Duncan:
Jan Dwyer


Lake Cowichan:
Carolyne Austin


Make plans for cut broom removal before you cut!  Unfortunately, MOTI is not able to remove broom cut on the highways.  If you contact Broombusters in advance, sometimes we can help.  At the very least, we can offer advice on cut broom disposal.  To be a Broombuster, contact Broombusters first!  Cut at your own risk. Be safe and have fun!

The Valley is large!  Connect with an area leader near you, or in an area that you care about.  Many of our cuts will be at close-to-your-home “Cut Anytime” locations, and you will be able to go there on your own time. We can loan you loppers and instruct you on stacking and safety policies. Please contact your area director or our Executive Director for details. Cut the Bloomin’ Broom! – and be well. Your efforts are always appreciated.

Before cutting, always check with Broombusters first!