2024 Broombusting Events in Tofino/Ucluelet Area


Tofino/Ucluelet Area:  

What’s happening ??

Tofino/Ucluelet Area Cuts  2024

 ReddFish is sponsoring a broom cut as the Restoration Project of the 6th Annual West Coast Triple Plank Event.  On April 27.  Contact: info@reddfish.org

Make plans for cut broom removal before you cut!  Unfortunately, MOTI is not able to remove broom cut on the highways.  If you contact Broombusters in advance, sometimes we can help.  At the very least, we can offer advice on cut broom disposal.  To be a Broombuster, contact Broombusters first!  Cut at your own risk. Be safe and have fun!

Cut ANYTIME AREAS in Tofino/Ucluelet 

We welcome those of you who are new to broombusting! Feel free to come to any (or all!) of the community cuts. We cut as a group for a couple of hours.  You can come late or leave early if that is best for you. There is no need to let me know if you are coming (or not coming) to a community cut – just show up when you have time in your schedule. 

You Can Cut on Your Own in Tofino/Ucluelet Area: After you have attended a community cut, signed a waiver and learned proper technique, you can cut on your own.  We can even loan you loppers.  Please stay in touch with me and let me know what you want to do.  Thanks!