2024 Broombuster Events in Sooke
What’s happening now?

Suggested Items: Long pants and long sleeves, sturdy shoes, gloves. WATER! Suggested: sunhat. Sunscreen and eye protection are optional. Be tick aware! http://etick.ca/. Bring a friend!
April 19, Friday, 3-4:30 p.m. Location: Phillips Rd and Ravens Ridge Park, Sooke. We’ll be cutting on Phillips Rd between Shambrook Drive and Ravens Ridge Park which is located at 2448 Phillips Rd. Thank you Moonfist for leading.
April 14. Phillips Rd & Riverstone Drive. That you Loki for leading.
April 24, Wednesday, 3-4:30 p.m. Location: Anna Marie Rd, Sooke. We’ll be doing a “sweep” on Anna Marie Rd between Wadams Way & Sooke Rd. There’s a gravel lot for parking on the corner of Wadams Way & Anna Marie Rd.
May 9, Thursday, 4-5:30 p.m. Location: Lazzar Rd and Sooke Rd across from Edward Milne Community School. Parking: 6258 Derbend Rd, Park & Ride.
June 2, Sunday. 10:00. Wildfire Preparation day. Rain or shine!

Completed Cuts 2023
May 23, Tuesday, 4-6:00 p.m. Phillips Rd and Sunriver Way. We’ll be working on Phillips Rd just before Sunriver Way (when coming from Sooke Rd). Parking will be on your right.
May 28, Sunday, 1-4:00 p.m. Along Highway 14 near Lazzar Rd. Across from Teriyaki House. We cut up until the lights at Sooke River Rd. Plenty of parking at 6258 Derbend Rd, Sooke Park & Ride, East Lot.
May 16, Tuesday, 10-11:00 a.m. Waddams Way & Anna Marie Rd. There’s already a cut pile and a sign up at this location.
May 9, Tuesday, 12-1:30 p.m. Phillips Rd & Sunriver Way. Meet at Phillips Rd just before Sunriver Way. Parking will be on your right.
May 11, Thursday, 12-1:30 p.m. Phillips Rd & Shambrook Drive. We’ll be cutting on Phillips Rd inbetween Shambrook Drive & Willowpark Way.
May 4, Wednesday, 12-2:00 p.m. Meet at Phillips Rd & Riverstone Drive. Sunriver.
May 6, Saturday, 11-1:00 p.m. Meet at the corner of Lazzar Rd & Sooke Rd. Across from Edward Milne Community School.
April 25, Tuesday, 4-5:30 p.m. Location: Meet at Phillips Rd & Riverstone Drive.. There’s enough roadside parking for everyone! Signs will be up! Can’t miss us! As we clear broom, we head downhill.
April 29, Saturday, 11-12:30 p.m. Location: Meet at Lazzar Rd, T’Sou-ke Nation. In front of Sooke Boxing Club. Across from EMCS. Plenty of parking at 6258 Derbend Rd.
Completed Cuts 2022
June 11, Saturday, 11:00 Sooke Road. Broombusters Sooke and the T’Sou-ke Nation are holding the final official broom cut of 2022 this Saturday in front of the T’Sou-ke Nation property. Please come out and help support the cause — even if you can’t make it for the entire two hour time, any participation is great! If you are coming via car, you may park in front of the T’Sou-ke Nation church off Lazzar Road. May 30, Monday, 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
May 29, Sunday, 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. *Please note, Sunday we start at 10 instead of 9. Sleep in! Yaaaay!
May 28, Saturday, 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
May 20, Friday, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Location: Meet at Phillips Rd & Riverstone Drive. (Sunriver Estates). Team Lead: Laura
May 21, Saturday, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Location: Stickleback/JdFCS trail at French Rd North to Stonewater Lane. Team Lead: Monika
May 14, Saturday, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Location StickleBack Trail from French Rd North to Stonewater Lane.
May 7, Saturday, 11am to 1pm.April 26, Tuesday, 5:30pm – 7:30pm. Phillips & Riverstone Drive.
April 16, Saturday, 10:30am-12:30pm. Phillips Rd and Riverstone Drive (just past Riverstone on the right).
April 24, Saturday, 11am to 1pm.
In Sooke: Koshin Moonfist. moonfist@sookemoon.org
General information Broombusters: info@broombusters.org
Loki Wilder. loki@wildergarden.com
Make plans for cut broom removal before you cut! Unfortunately, MOTI is not able to remove broom cut on the highways. If you contact Broombusters in advance, sometimes we can help. At the very least, we can offer advice on cut broom disposal. To be a Broombuster, contact Broombusters first! Cut at your own risk. Be safe and have fun!
Sooke is starting year #3. We hope you can join us! In 1850, the first Scotch broom was brought to Vancouver Island – to SOOKE! by Captain Walter Grant. Thanks Captain. But we can turn things around. Join us! You just pick up the loppers and chip in. Thank you!